Privacy Policy

Who we are

Our website address is:
Our company address is: 3419 Westminster Ave, STE 297, Dallas, TX 75205
Our email address is:

Who we share your data with

We never share data with anyone other than myself and my team.

How long we retain your data

We retain your data as long as it makes sense as part of my business processes.

We use Aweber and your data can be removed easily, either by unsubscribing at the bottom of any email I have sent you or by request by emailing us at

What rights you have over your data

You can request that your email be removed from Aweber by unsubscribing or by requesting that your details be removed by emailing us at

I will remove you from my own contact list at your discretion. If we are working together, it is necessary that I am able to reach out to you via email. When our work together is complete and you wish to have your contact details removed, please contact us at and your data will be removed.

Where we send your data

We don’t send or share your data anywhere. We don’t send or share your data anywhere.